terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2018

u blox 7

BU-353S4 VK-162

Anyone has any experience about trying to make the uBlox 7 receiver work
with RTKLib? 

 "u-blox 7 does not provide T-version of the module
at this moment.

RTKLIB requires T-version like LEA-5T or LEA-6T
to utilize raw pseudorange and carrier-phase.

So you cannot use u-blox 7 with RTKLIB. You had
better to wait for T-version of u-blox 7 or future 8.


Tomoji TAKAS"

Não rodou com rtklib mesmo deixando como solução Simples.
Ntrip com a RBMC-IP deu certo, mas precisa de outro receptor.

" Please let me explain some details to the actual and upcoming L1 receivers which are enabled with carrier phase raw data output to prevent any confusion here...

The u-blox NEO-6P is able to deliver RTKLIB capable raw data with 5 Hz update rate (officially and in fact up to 10 Hz) as well as the NEO-6T which is the classic timing receiver module.
Both receiver variants are ROM versions, that means their firmware is not upgradeable (in opposite to the newer LEA-6T which contains flash for user upgradeable firmware but is unfortunately limited in a very poor update rate of less than 2 Hz).

The NEO-6P is significantly more expansive than the NEO-6T, due to its integrated PPP feature (which is quite useless in RTKLIB application scenarios).
But anyway, this PPP goodie (in fact a smart implementation of SBAS together with a "carrier smoothing") makes that the NEO-6P is the most bang for the buck in autonomous operation modes.

The successor (NEO-7P) is flash based but nevertheless ready for an official update rate of 10 Hz, and is finally ready to use RTCM input instead resp. additional to SBAS.
So far, so good, but unfortunately it seems that there's still no GLONASS carrier phase raw data output.

So if I should try to give a short conclusion and recommendation, I'd like to say that NVS is still the first choice at the moment, if you want to realize any "pure RTKLIB" applications...

Best regards from Eastern Germany,

"The M8 only supports RXM-RAWX and RXM-SFRBX, not the older forms, you will need to use a version of RTKLIB that supports that, or modify it too."

 "he fact is that u-blox does not _want_ you to use M8F/M8N/M8Q with rtklib. And don't take everything that this guy writes in his blog for granted."

"he fact is that u-blox does not _want_ you to use M8F/M8N/M8Q with rtklib. And don't take everything that this guy writes in his blog for granted."

"Do I need CORS data for the relative position to be accurate ? My closest CORS station is 27km away. Although I have access to an RTVRN network that works well. but I haven't done too much real time with it yet.
-  No, but it's not clear what you've actually tried beyond just "reading" the tutorials. Once you've established what the "process" is you can apply it to your own situation, and other unique things you might want to do without needing the specific use case mapped out."

"raw data from an M8N running 3.01 firmware, Nice!"

"I have tried to enable TRK-MEAS & TRK-SFRBX on my 3.01 M8N, and I don’t get any output. Is there a different command to enable them than there was on 2.01?"

"You'd use UBX-CFG-MSG (06 01) to enable message TRK-MEAS (03 10), use the UBX-??-?? (custom) dialog"

"MAX-M8 does not support the SFRBX messages.  Only the NEO-M8T and LEA-M8T precise timing receivers provide SFRBX messages.  This is described in the document: u-blox M8 Receiver Description and Protocol Specification under UBX-RXM-SFRBX."

"CFG-GNSS behaviour on MAX-M8Q-0-10 ROM CORE 3.01 (107888)"

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