quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2016

Fountein pen ponta fina

OHTO - Tasche Black Fountain Pen - 0.5mm - Writing Color Black
US $22.83

SAILOR JAPAN Fountain pen Safari High Ace Neo 136mm dia13.5 Fine type
Sailor Ace Neo Black
US $14.99

MOMA MUJI Aluminum round Fountain Pen made in Japan fine nib free shipping
US $16.80
Parece que aceita cartucho tamanho internacional
* Pelikan converter with mine. Good fit
* It's picky - some standard international converters fit and some don't. Schmidt K2 and K5 converters will fit. Faber Castell and Levenger converters are K2s, and the standard one at Goulet is a K5, so those are some easy to find options. (I just tried all three of those in my Muji pen and confirmed that they all fit. I usually use the Faber Castell one.)

Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen 02 EF -- Para quem gosta da Pilot Hi-Tec-C 0.4
$8 e no ebay US $4.99
Parece que não serve outro carregador. Só os platinum

Pilot Vanishing Point Gun Metal Black Matte Fountain Pen

Pilot Metropolitan
Cartucho é um pouco maior do que o padrão internacional, tem bons reviews mas não aceitar o padrão internacional acaba desvalorizando.

Hero 360 Fountain

Jinhao 126
Caneta de metal, custa em torno de 8 dólares.
Falam que a ponta é de fina pra média.

Hero 907

Hero 91

Jinhao 321
Parece ser decente, tem ponta fina e é encorpada. Custa aproximadamente $6

Lamy Vista (EF), TWSBI Mini (F), and a Sheaffer 440 (F). However, I am not currently using my TWSBI nor my Sheaffer at the moment because they are a bit too wet to work well with cheap paper.

Pilot Metropolitan with a Fine or Medium nib, about $18.  includes the converter.  A Pilot Medium = Pelikan Fine.

Pilot 78G with a Fine or Medium nib, between $10-25.  includes the converter.
The pen usually comes with a CON-20 squeeze converter installed. You can replace it with a CON-50 if you prefer piston converters, but the CON-20 holds a bit more ink. It will also accept Pilot/Namiki cartridges, which hold more ink than either converter, and with a bit of silicone grease to seal the threads you can use it as an eyedropper pen for maximum ink capacity.

Lamy Safari with ExtraFine or Fine nib, about $30 + $7 converter.  The Lamy EF nib is similar to the Pilot F nib.

Parker 45, with a Fine nib, anywhere from about $20+  The Parker Fine is similar to the Pilot Fine.

Black PILOT 78G Broad nib Fountain Pen with Ink Converter(Made in Japan)
R$ 42,55

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