./osmfilter latest-brazil.o5m --keep="all boundary=administrative admin_level=2 =3" > brazil_borders.osm
10 admin_level values for Brazil:
2 - Fronteira Nacional (National Border)
3 - Regiões (Sul, Sudeste, Centro-Oeste, Norte, Nordeste. (Regions)
4 - Unidades Federativas (Estados e Distrito Federal. (States)
5 - Mesorregiões (Meso-regions) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pt:Mesorregi%C3%B5es
6 - Regiões Metropolitanas. (Metropolitan Areas)
7 - Microrregiões (Micro-regions)
8 - Municípios e Regiões Administrativas do Distrito Federal (Municipalities)
9 - Distrito e Sub-Prefeituras (Districts)
10 - Bairros e Sub-Distritos (Suburbs and Neighborhoods).
osmfilter brazil-latest.o5m --keep="natural=coastline" > brazil_coastline.osm
Exemplos de uso do osmfilter
./osmfilter norway.osm --keep="highway=primary =secondary waterway=river" >streets.osm
./osmfilter switzerland.o5m --keep="highway=cycleway and lit=yes" >litcycles.osm
./osmfilter europe.o5m --keep= --keep-relations="route=bus" --out-o5m >bus_lines.o5m
./osmfilter bayern.o5m --keep="admin_level=6 and name=Nürnberger\ Land" -o=nbg_boundaries.osm
--keep-nodes="fixme=" --keep-ways= --keep-relations=
--keep= --keep-nodes="fixme="
drop objetos
./osmfilter europe.o5m --keep="highway=" --drop="access=no" -o=good_ways.osm
--keep="place=city or ( place=town and population>=10000 )"
--keep="name=main* and highway=*ary and source=*aerial*"
./osmfilter a.o5m --keep-tags="all amenity=restaurant =fast_food" -o=food.osm
./osmfilter a.o5m --keep-tags="all highway= waterway= name=" -o=ways.o5m
./osmfilter a.o5m --drop-tags="oneway= name=" -o=plain_ways.o5m
./osmfilter a.o5m --keep="route=" --drop-author -o=b.o5m
./osmfilter a.o5m --keep="route=" --drop-version -o=b.o5m
Getting Tag Statistics
To decide which items to keep and which items to drop, an overview over all tags used in a file would be helpful. There are four different output formats. The following sections will introduce these formats with the help of examples. All outputs have been clipped to 10 lines length.
List of all Keys
./osmfilter bremen.o5m --out-key
5 Boden
1 EE
1 Fone
7 StrVz
113 TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class
78 TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Direction
107 TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion
110 TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode
47 TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:NextLocationCode
The first column shows the number of occurrences.
To specify a group of neighboring keys, you may use a wildcard at the end, for example:
List of all Keys, sorted by Occurrence
./osmfilter bremen.o5m --out-count
28199 highway
22794 building
21365 name
18754 created_by
17751 source
11842 addr:housenumber
11835 addr:street
5925 addr:postcode
5724 foot
5543 addr:city
List of a Key's Values
./osmfilter bremen.o5m --out-key=railway
156 abandoned
6 abandoned_tram
16 buffer_stop
2 bumper_stop
9 construction
31 crossing
31 disused
8 halt
269 level_crossing
38 platform
List of a Key's Values, sorted by Occurrence
./osmfilter bremen.o5m --out-count=railway |head
1570 rail
269 level_crossing
192 tram
182 tram_stop
156 abandoned
126 spur
81 razed
38 platform
31 crossing
31 disused
Parameter File
The command line argument can get very long if you specify complex filters. Please use a parameter file instead and refer to this file with --parameter-file=. For example:
./osmfilter europe.o5m --parameter-file=my_parameters >line_1.o5m
File "my_parameters":
Empty lines are used to separate the parameters. Linefeeds within parameters will be converted to spaces.
Planet Pistes
16GB ram, 7200rpm disk
$ time ./osmfilter new-planet-latest.o5m --keep="piste:type= or aerialway=" > pistes.osm
real 12m5.413s
user 4m30.465s
sys 0m28.742s
Planet Waterways & Naturals
$ time ./osmfilter planet-121207.o5m --keep= --keep-ways="natural= or waterway=" --keep-relations="natural= or waterway=" -o=planet-natural-temp.o5m
real 8m6.760s
user 5m27.622s
sys 0m35.670s
FONTE: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmfilter
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