sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2015

Verificar se uma pagina sofreu atualização

Then I realised I could write a script to do it, using diff and wget. You can get it below. You have to edit it to add the pages you want to follow, then run it with the "write" option to download the first version, then edit yourcrontab file (crontab -e) to run it every day at a specified time with the "diff" option. For example:
00 13 1,7,14,21,28 * * /home/user/ diff
will run it every 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of the month, at 13:00. Be sure to first run it as write.

#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2009 Ruben Berenguel # ruben /at/ maia /dot/ ub /dot/ es # PageDiffs: Fill in an array of webpages, with the option "write" # will download them, with the "diff" option will re-download them and # check the new against the old for differences. With the "diff mail" # option, will send an email to $MAILRECIPIENT, assuming mail works. # You can find the most up to date version of this file (and the GPL) # # 20091226@00:24 MAILRECIPIENT="" j=0 Pages[j++]="" Pages[j++]="" #Add more pages as above if [ "$1" = "write" ]; then echo Generate files count=0 for i in "${Pages[@]}" do echo Getting "$i" into File$count wget "$i" -v -O "File$count" let count=$count+1 done fi if [ "$1" = "diff" ]; then count=0 for i in "${Pages[@]}" do # echo Getting "$i" into Test$count wget "$i" -q -O "Test$count" Output=$(diff -q "Test$count" "File$count" | grep differ) Result=$? if [ "$Result" = "0" ]; then if [ "$2" = "mail" ]; then echo Page at "$i" has changed since last check! >> MailCont mail=1 fi echo Page at "$i" has changed since last check! else echo Page at "$i" has not changed since last check! fi #rm Test$count let count=$count+1 done if [ "$mail" = "1" ]; then mail -s "Page changed alert!" $MAILRECIPIENT

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